ARISS-Europe News Bulletin – 29.06.2006




Wednesday 28 June 2006 at 11:26 UTC, i.e. 14:26 local time, the Scientific Center Kuwait in Salmiyah, Kuwait, performed a telebridge contact with US astronaut Jeff Williams, KD5TVQ, onboard the International Space Station, via the ARISS Ground Station in Hawaii operated by Nancy Rocheleau, WH6PN. Will Marchant moderated the contact.


The Scientific Center of Kuwait's (TSCK) mission is dedicated to the advancement of sciences and the cultural heritage of Kuwait. The Center promotes public awareness, knowledge of and commitment to the care and conservation of the wildlife and ecosystems of the Arabian Gulf region. The Center is a gift to the nation built by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and was opened in April 2000. The Scientific Center serves as an excellent support for environmental education in the Arabian Gulf region. Visitors can observe natural habitats such as the desert and marine life.


Maryam Aljoaan, 9K2MD, coordinator for this ARISS School Contact, decided in favour of a telebridge. She did a very good job and the students were very well prepared.


At exactly 11:26 UTC, right on schedule, contact with NA1SS was established by WH5PN. Astronaut Jeff Williams answered 22 questions on various topics. The astronaut explained that the crew are doing a lot of experiments based on microgravity and that space-walking is one of his favourite activities.


Signals from the ISS were a bit noisy in the beginning, but soon became loud and clear. When the 22 questions were answered, coordinator Maryam Aljoaan thanked the astronaut for a great space talk and let him hear the enthusiastic applause from the audience. Then Jeff Williams said Goodbye to Kuwait.


The attending audience was about 40 persons in the conference room and 100 in central court.


Many media covered the event:

Al-Hadaf; Weekly Arabic magazine

The Daily Star, Daily Arabic Magazine

Al-Qabas, Local daily newspaper

Al-Rai Al-Am, local daily newspaper

Arab Times, local daily English newspaper

Kuwait Times, local daily English newspaper

Layalina, Arabic bi-monthly magazine

Al-Yaqaza, Arabic weekly magazine

Kuwait National TV for Evening show

Kuwait National TV Children Program

KUNA, Kuwait News Agency

Al-Nahdha, Arabic Weekly magazine

Kuwait Science Club Media.


Moreover the event was webcast live on


It was a historic moment. The first ARISS School Contact in Kuwait.


A great success in every aspect!


The audio recording of the radio contact will be appended to this Bulletin, archived on <>


73, Peter Kofler, IN3GHZ, ARISS mentor

ARISS, Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, an international working group of several amateur radio societies from countries participating to the ISS, provides a free educational outreach programme in collaboration with the Space Agencies, involving a team of volunteering amateur radio operators.


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