July 15, 2008


Monday July 14 2008, astronaut Gregory Chamitoff, KD5PKZ onboard the International Space Station answered questions from students at the Scientific Center of Kuwait, located in the city of South Surrah.

The Scientific Center of Kuwait is dedicated to the advancement of sciences and cultural heritage of Kuwait. The center promotes public awareness, knowledge of and commitment to the care and conservation of the wildlife and ecosystems of the Arabian Gulf region.

The Center is a gift to the nation from his highness the Amir Sheikh Jaber al-Ahmed al-Sabah, built by the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences and opened back in April 2000. The Scientific Center serves as a center of excellence for environmental education in the Arabian Gulf region. Visitors observe natural habitats from the desert to the marine life.

Students from the Salmiyah region participated to the ARISS contact.

The radio contact with the ISS was performed by Nancy Rocheleau, WH6PN in Honolulu. A telebridge had been established per telephone line between Honolulu and Kuwait. Audio was excellent all along the 10 minutes of the space talk. Greg Chamitoff answered the 17th question when the signal faded out.

In Kuwait the event had been prepared by Maryam AlJoaan, 9K2MD for the Department of Astronomy & Space Sciences (DASS) at Kuwait Scientific Center.

The ARISS contact was broadcast over EchoLink teleconference rooms AMSAT and JK1ZRW, as well as over IRLP.


Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS-Europe chairman

Audio recording