July 16, 2009



An Expedition 20 ARISS school contact has been planned with participants at Campus Saffraanberg, Sint Truiden, Belgium.. The event is scheduled on Friday 17 July 2009 at approximately 17:09 UTC, which is 19:09 CEST.

The contact will be a direct between onboard station OR4ISS and ON4BAF. The participants are expected to conduct the conversation in French and in Dutch.

Downlink signals will be audible over Europe on 145.800 MHz FM.

Not far from the charming town of Sint-Truiden, Campus Saffraanberg houses the Royal NCO-School. In former times, this school used to be responsible for the training of all NCO-technicians, but since September 2007, the range of training programmes has been widely extended with technical, as well as non-technical courses for both Dutch- and French-speaking boys and girls. After a successful completion of their training, they are equipped for a military career within the Ministry of Defence.

The options in the technical fields of study are: aircraft technology, electromechanics, military armament technology, high-frequency electronics, opto-electronics and ICT. The non-technical fields of study consist of social and military sciences, meteorology and air operations.

Because of the importance of their mission, the school and the supporting services of the Campus Saffraanberg are dedicated to maintaining a high standard quality of training and a great level of satisfaction of all people involved. Therefore they adhere to the modern and enduring principles of management and to their vision and values: excel in training competent co-workers for the MOD, paying special attention to respect, quality, competence and involvement.

Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows :


1. Valérian: Quels genres d’expériences réalisez-vous et pourquoi est-il nécessaire de les effectuer en apesanteur?  What type of experiments are you working on and why is it necessary for you to carry them out in weightless conditions?


2. Brian: Hoe weet je waar je bent in de ruimte?  How do you know your position in space?


3. Matthieu: Quelle énergie utilisez-vous  lorsque la station n’est plus exposée au soleil?  Which kind of energy do you use when you're in the shadow of the earth?


4. Nick: Heeft het ruimteschip last van het ‘ruimteweer’?  Does the spaceship suffer from space weather?


5. Jérôme: Sent-on une différence de température dans la station quand celle-ci se trouve du côté de l’ombre de la terre?  Is there a temperature variation when the station is in the earth's shadow?


6. Ilse : Wanneer je het ruimteschip verlaat voor een ruimtewandeling, voel je dan een temperatuursverandering?  Do you feel a difference in temperature when you go out for a walk in space?


7. Pierre-André:Le manque d’attraction terrestre provoque une grande dispersion du sang dans la tête notamment, n’a-t-on donc pas des douleurs?   The lack of gravity causes the blood to rush more rapidly headward. Isn't it painful?


8. Joost: Wat is uw motivatie om aan zo'n risicovolle missie deel te nemen?


9. Guillaume: N’est-il pas trop difficile  de vivre avec les mêmes personnes pendant 6 mois sans voir votre famille et le monde ?


10. Jarrid: Is er daarboven in de ruimte veel verschil aan activiteiten of is het eentonig?  Do you have a large choice of activities or is it monotonous in space?


11. Tanguy: Comment faites-vous pour vous laver ? Comment faites-vous pour aller aux toilettes?   How do you wash yourself? How do you answer the call of nature?


12.  Jelle: Er wordt gezegd dat een reis naar de ruimte gevaarlijk is. Verliep alles tot nu toe zoals gepland of heb je al voor gevaarlijke situaties gestaan?  A space trip is said to be dangerous. Has everything gone well so far or have you had to face dangerous situations?


13. Kenny: Y-a-t-il des conséquences physiques au retour ? Si oui, lesquelles? Et que faites vous pour y remédier?    Does the return to earth cause you any adverse physiological effects? If so, which ones? How do you counteract them?


14.  Stef:  Is er veel achtergrondlawaai in het ISS?  Is there much background noise in the ISS?


15. Michael: L'apparence de l'atmosphère depuis l'espace confirme-t-elle les problèmes écologiques actuels?  Are the current ecological issues confirmed by the appearance of earth's atmosphere seen from space?


16. Jelle: Kunt u het gevoel beschrijven net voor u vertrekt?  Could you describe the feeling before you leave the earth?


17. Amondine: Est-ce que les sensations à la sortie et à l'entrée de l'atmosphère sont proches de ce que l'on peut ressenter dans un F-16?  Are the sensations felt when entering or leaving the atmosphere close to those experienced when flying an F-16?


18. Jordy: Wat is het gemiddeld vermogen dat dagelijks verbruikt wordt tijdens het verblijf in het ruimtestation?  What's the average daily energy consumption of the space station with a full crew?


19. Fernando: Entre un vol comme ingénieur de vol et un autre en tant que commandant de mission, lequel représente le challenge le plus intéressant, le plus exigeant?  Which is, according to you, the most challenging and interesting assignment: flying as a flight engineer or as a mission commander? 


20. Adriaan: Wordt een alternatieve brandstof overwogen voor de draagraketten om tot de lancering van de space shuttle over te gaan?  Are they considering any alternatives to the fuel for the solid rocket boosters used to launch the space shuttle?


21.  Benoît:  Quelle quantité de déchet est relâchée par l'ISS chaque année? Sous quelle forme et comment est-ce que vous les gérer?  How much waste does the ISS dispose of yearly? In what form and how do you manage it?


22.  Timothy:  Zijn er branddetectie en - bestrijdingsmiddelen aan boord? Was er al eens brand?  Is the ISS equipped with fire detecting and extinguishing systems on board? Has fire ever broken out?


ARISS is an international educational outreach program partnering the participating space agencies, NASA, Russian Space Agency, ESA, CNES, JAXA, and CSA, with the AMSAT and IARU organizations from participating countries.

ARISS offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crewmembers onboard the International Space Station. Teachers, parents and communities see, first hand, how Amateur Radio and crewmembers on ISS can energize youngsters' interest in science, technology and learning.



Gaston Bertels, ON4WF

ARISS Chairman