Saturday, 02 April, 2011 at 08:34 UTC and 10:10, i.e. 10:34 and 12:10 local time “Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale Leonardo da Vinci” and “Istituto Comprensivo Scolastico G. Tedeschi”, Pratola Peligna, l'Aquila, Italy, established double ARISS contact with Italian astronaut PAOLO NESPOLI, IZ0JPA on board the International Space Station.  Astronaut NESPOLI operated with the special Italian callsign IR0ISS that he will use during his mission. The “Leonardo da Vinci” Institute and the ““G. Tedeschi  middle school operated the contact with callsign I6IBE.


The school is named to Leonardo Da Vinci and is located in the Peligna valley, about 60 km from the city of L'Aquila, Abruzzo, central Italy. It's a Higher Technical Institute for the study of electronics, telecommunications, chemical materials, mechanical and mechatronics. The Institute is attended by students aged 14-19 and has 22 technical laboratories, 1 gymnasium and 1 soccer field and 72 classrooms connected to the Internet. The school collaborates with the local radio-amateurs.


The Comprehensive School "Tedeschi" in Pratola Peligna comprizes a school population that goes from nursery to middle school. The school has more than 700 pupils and students. For many years, students participate in various cultural and sporting activities. The school has a close relationship with the "Leonardo Da Vinci" Institute.


ARISS mentor Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF proposed to radio contact coordinator in Pratola Peligna to set up a direct shared contact with assistance from Telebridge station IZ7RTN, installed at “Cittadella Mediterranea della Scienza” in Bari, Puglia, Italy. Mr. Ivo Brugnera I6IBE, radio contact coordinator for this ARISS event, decided in favour of this set up. The questions were read by the students of the both schools. The contacts took place at “Leonardo da Vinci” Institute where an audience of about 100 students, teachers, visitors and media assisted to the ARISS event.


At 08:34 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was established by station I6IBE. Astronaut Paolo NESPOLI answered 11 questions per direct radio contact and 5 more questions per telebridge via IZ7RTN. At 10:10 UTC, contact with IR0ISS was again established by ARISS Telebridge station IK1SLD, installed at Casale Monferrato Airport, Piemonte, Italy. Paolo NESPOLI answered 7 more questions. The ISS link during second pass was established with very low elevation for IK1SLD. Assistance by IZ7RTN and by IK1SLD was needed, due local obscurations. Before the end of the first pass, the ISS was behind the mountains. During the second pass, there was no ISS visibility from Pratola, but more then 5 minutes for IK1SLD.


Regional and local media and newspapers covered the event.


Streaming video was for both contacts on:


ARISS contact was announced by web story on ESA Portal - National News:


Congratulations to ARISS team in Pratola Peligna, ARISS Puglia Team and IK1SLD Team!




Francesco De Paolis, IK0WGF

ARISS mentor


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